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M.A.X.: Mechanized Assault & Exploration M1 Tank Platoon Mad Mix 2: En el castillo de los fantasmas Mad Show Madhouse Maelstrom Magic Carpet 2: The Netherworlds Magic Carpet Plus Magic Pockets Magicland Dizzy MagiDuck Magocracy Mah Jongg -V-G-A- Mah Jongg LapTop Mahjong Manhunter 2: San Francisco Maniac Mansion Manic Miner Manor Marble Cooking Marble Master Mario & Luigi Mario is Missing! Mario's Time Machine Mars Saga Masque Solitaire Antics Mass Destruction Master of Magic Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares Masterblazer Match Day Manager Math Blaster Plus! Math Blaster! Math Circus: Act 1 Math Rescue Matrix Madness Matterhorn Screamer! Max Blackjack Maximus MaxMan Mayday Squad Maze Maze Runner Mazzembly 3D McGee McGee at the Fun Fair McMurphy's Mansion MDK Peformance Test Windows MDK Performance Test DOS Mega Man X Megafortress Megapede Mel Odius goes Six String Searchin' Meltdown Meltdown (1990) Memory Castle Memory Hog Hunter Merchant Colony Merlin Challenge Metal Mutant Meteor Meteor Rescue Mice Men Mick Mickey's 123's: The Big Surprise Party Micro Machines 2 Turbo Tournament Micro$oft Simulator MicroLeague Football: The Coach's Challenge MicroLeague Wrestling Micropede Microsoft 3D Pinball: Space Cadet Microsoft Flight Simulator (v3.0) Microsoft Mouse (included game) Microsoft Windows Version 3.0 (included games) MiG-29: Deadly Adversary of Falcon 3.0 Might and Magic II: Gates to Another World Might and Magic III: Isles of Terra Might and Magic V: Darkside of Xeen Might and Magic: Clouds of Xeen Might and Magic: Secret of the Inner Sanctum Mimi & The Mites Mindbender MinerVGA Mirage Thunder Miramar, Jet Fighter Simulator Missing Dots Matrix Mission Mission Cobra 98 Mission Mopreme 32K Mission: Impossible Missle Strike Molefest Money Bags: Beat the Gnome of Zurich Monkey Business Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge Monkey Island Special Monmallineun Tarokbeom Mono Space Monsoon Monster Bash Monuments of Mars Moonmist Moonshine Racers Moonstone: A Hard Days Knight Moorhuhn Moraff's Blast I Moraff's Monster Bridge Moraff's Monster Memory Moraff's Morejongg Moraff's Pinball Moraff's Revenge Moraff's Tempt-Tris Mortadelo y Filemón II: Safari Callejero Mortal Kombat Mortal Kombat II Mortal Pong Mortville Manor Moses: Old Testament Adventure #1 Most Certainly Not Pool II Motor-Mania Movies Trivia Mozaik Mr Pacford Mr. Blobby Mr. Boom Mr. Muncher MsiBamba Shel Bamba Multiplex Munch Guy Mundial de Fútbol Murder! Mustang Mutant Earth My Own Stories Mychess Mystery at the Museums Mystery Mansion Mystery Master: Felony! Mystical